Sunday, October 11, 2009

30 Weeks Down Ten To Go!

I realized that I have not posted anything about my pregnancy on my blog. Maybe that is because the first 15 weeks I was attached to the toilet with all the horrible morning sickness. Today, I am 30 weeks pregnant. I am so excited to be only 10 weeks away from meeting our little baby. When Liana was almost two, James and I decided that it would be a good time start on a sibling. Unfortunately, the Lord had other plans for us. After 2 1/2 years of trying and a miscarriage we finally got a surprise last March that we were finally expecting. Now, I am not generally an pessimistic kind of person, but after having a miscarriage, I suddenly became one. I wouldn't let myself get excited. I was so sure that we would lose this one too. Of course I was hoping that would not be the case. At my first appointment at 8 weeks, Liana, James and I all got to see a very strong heartbeat. Then came my 12 week. They couldn't find one. I remember laying on the table thinking to myself that I could just not go through this again. My Dr. took me into the ultrasound room and immediately found a very strong heartbeat. That is when i got emotional.

The morning sickness hit me right away. And it was much worse then Liana. With Liana, I was sick for 21 weeks, but it would just be pockets of the day. With this one, it was literally from the moment I woke till I closed my eyes at night, I felt horrible. Only throwing up 4 times a day was a good day for me, but most was about 7-8 times. I was working with two year olds and the parents in my class were very supportive and so kind. But it was not fun at all. Once I finally started feeling better I started allowing myself to enjoy the pregnancy. Liana was amazing during this time. We would get home from school and she would tell me to go to bed and rest a while and that she would just go play in her room. She is a true blessing.

Everything has been going really well. James and I are really getting more excited about meeting this little gift. Of course, I am nervous. Liana was the best baby ever. She slept good and ate good and has pretty much been more then we could ever ask for. This has set the bar pretty high for this new one.

We don't know what we are having. It drives everyone else crazy, but I love not knowing. I am not a planner and organizer so it works out not knowing. We do have names picked out. Elijah Benjamin for a boy and Abigail Joy for a girl. My due date is Dec. 20 and we are hoping for early or at least on the due date. I am going to the same Dr. I had with Liana who I am really happy with.

So we will see what these next ten weeks hold. I dream of the day that I get to hold this little life in my arms that we have waited so long for. You will all be the first to know.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful post Joy!
    I had 2 miscarriages between Seth & Isabelle, so I totally get what you were saying about not letting yourself get excited - it's really hard in the beginning.
    I LOVE the names you picked out too, IF we have another girl our name is Abigail too but Seth has certainly made his "order" clear and we MUST have another boy...if/when the time comes.

    You look great by the way.
    Miss you!

  2. Hi Joy, I'm so happy for you guys although I remember the feeling of morning sickness and I'm not envious! Can't wait to hear when your little one comes along. =0)

  3. Joy, You look great and it was really fun to hear your story. I lost 2 babies between my girls - I totally understand the "don't get excited" thing. Can't wait to hear the happy news!
