Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dancing with the Stars (OK, with Lindley and Liana)

So, Monday nights at our house involve watching Dancing with The Stars. As many of you know, my sister Brianna does the catering for the show. She gives us all the inside scoop on everything and everyone so we enjoy watching the show with her details in mind. On the nights Lindley gets to come up, her and Liana get so excited to watch. My mom and I are glad that they want to watch so we can take a break from the Disney Chanel and Noggin for a while. Last week they got all dressed up and then wanted us to score them after they danced. I think Carrie Ann might have taken some points off because there were some definite lifts, but still fun to watch. I give them a 10!

As you can see, Lindley is a born dancer. Ben and Darcy are not sure who to blame for her dance moves, but we all agree it comes from Ben. Lincoln totally got into it as well and wanted to join the fun. High Heels and all. Ben keeps telling us not to encourage him, but how can you not, he is so stinkin' cute. That's why we call him Stinkin' Lincoln.


  1. Oh my gosh this is soooo funny! they are all too cute and pretty darn talented! =0)

  2. Wow Liana, you are a star! it is so nice to see you in the web, we can see you anywhere in the world!!!
    malou and gareth
